Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The best thing about my job...

is summer vacation...



 (kidding, sort of) but since summer is quickly coming to an end, I need another positive to keep me going. Somehow counting down from 180 just doesn't seem too promising.

As of Monday, August 31st I will walk into school to begin my 12th year as a school- based Speech Language Pathologist. A job I truly love-most especially during the months of June, July and August (kidding, sort of). Yikes, I'm getting old!

There are MANY great things about my job- the kids, the progress, the amazing teachers I work with, the energy of an elementary school, but perhaps the BEST thing is the ability to "start over" each September.
A blank slate - Tabula Rasa- A New Beginning
While most of my caseload remains the same from year to year, so many other things change. Children make progress, they have new teachers, new expectations. It's a whole new world! At times, this seems daunting and overwhelming but it's an opportunity to be reflective about my practice and make changes. To create new goals, for myself and for my kiddos. 

And no, I'm not talking about the kind of goals DESE wants teachers to have.

 I'm talking about reflective practice. 

Really looking at how I function as a therapist, a colleague, a collaborator- and refining that.

What worked? What didn't? What do you want to try?
So as I've been sitting on the beach and by the pool- I have been reflecting on what my goals are for this upcoming school year. Here's what I've got so far...
1. Communicate!

Seems odd that a communication specialist would need a goal for increased communication- but we're all human, right?! Most specifically, communicate more with parents. Not easy given a crazy schedule.

 I'm envisioning a quick note home or e-mail to mention something great their child did that day, or to explain what we've been working on and how they can help.

I've grabbed some cute notes from TpT (Teachers Pay Teachers for all you non-school folk) to help me accomplish this goal.
2. Take more meaningful data!

I even hate typing this- but nothing shows progress, need to re-asses and gives direction to your instruction more than meaningful data. This year, I plan to focus more on taking data from 1 child per group per session. I do best not with fancy data sheets-but a sticky note! Take my data, make my notes, stick it to their attendance sheet and record later. Easy peasy!

3. Enjoy them!
There is always such pressure. Pressure to get the kids, to work on their goals, to keep them  focused, to make progress, and to get where I need to be 30 minutes later. Sometimes I forget to enjoy these amazing creatures I am blessed to work with. Sometimes I am so frustrated at the direction my lesson is taking, I forget that I learn best from THEM! 

So- this year  my goal is to enjoy them. To listen to them. To learn from them. Despite my lesson plans, if we are communicating in speech- we are working!

Although the end of summer comes too quickly each year, I SO look forward to the energy of well- rested, tan teachers and a fresh start for all of us!

Happy NEW Year to all my educator friends!

1 comment:

  1. Those are great goals, Laurie! You mentioned some things on my radar as well. Rest assured, I'm pretty sure you'll have the best tan among us all!
