Tuesday, October 6, 2015

"Today I did my best"

I'm struggling. I've been struggling for a bit but today the struggle felt real. 

Work is overwhelming. I am overwhelmed with paperwork and evaluations and the needs of children. My to-do list is long and complex. My days are non-stop. My time is fleeting.

I am overwhelmed with the lessons that need to be planned. The IEP's that need to be written. The phone calls that need to be made.

I am overwhelmed by 2 hour meetings and the amout of time with children I am missing.

I'm pretty sure this is how burn-out starts. When the tasks overwhelm the capacity. When the joy is gone and in its place is paperwork.

But here's the thing. I love my job! I am passionate about language and learning and children! I love the smell of a school and walking into classrooms. I love collaborating with teachers and being able to support student success. 

I'm not going down without a fight!

So I must defeat the burn out. Quell the voices of comparison and "not good enough ness". Put things in perspective and remember the joy. Ride my passions for all their worth. 

I'm attempting this by remembering that "Today I did my best". Some days my best may look different, but who can ask for more than your best? Not my administration, my co-workers, parents and not even myself. 

My best is good enough. Every day. 

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