Those are four words I couldn't have imaged uttering several years ago.
I had become so consumed with what my body looked like and how much it weighed and who thought what about it. Consumed. Obsessed. Compulsive. Just
a body wasn't a thing, it was everything!
And now, when I see images or read articles about body image and even body positivity, I can't help but think- it's just a body...
My mindset around this has come so full circle it's almost shocking to me at times.
When I am at Crossfit in the middle of a WOD, I'm not distracted by thoughts of "Man, my ass must be jiggling during these box jumps" or "Wow, she must think I'm a cow". Usually I'm distracted by thoughts of "I wonder if I'll die during this workout" but that a story for another day!
When I'm playing with my kids at the beach, I'm not thinking "Ooh, that skinny lady in the bikini must be looking at my cellulite".
When I walk into a room, I'm not scanning to see if anyone is fatter than me.
Because, after all, it's just a body.
And thank goodness we are so much more than that.
We are our minds and our sense of humor. We are our smile and our radiance. We are our analytical minds and our creativity. We are our hearts and our love. Our gratitude and our laughter. We are our heaviness and our tears. We are a constellation of light.
And yes, all that goodness (Godness) is wrapped in a body.
My body can run and jump rope without pain. It can lift heavy shit and carry my children.
Maybe yours can dance or swim. Maybe it can walk or maybe it can't.
Maybe yours can help make music or art. Maybe it can inspire others with its strength or flexibility.
Maybe your body can create and sustain life and maybe it can't.
It's a body and it's yours but don't get caught up in the limitations of it. It's a body and it's yours, but don't get frustrated at the sight of it. It's a body and it's yours, so appreciate the existence of it.
Treat it well and give it love.
But do not fret, after all, it's just a body.
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