New year, new you. How many times have you read or heard those words over the past few weeks?
I'm calling bullshit and re-framing this concept: New Year, More You!
The thing is- whether you're into the spiritual shit or not. Your mere existence in this world is a miracle. You were created in perfect imperfection to be, just as you are, either by a divine force or scientific egg-sperm cell multiplying thing (choose your own story).
So the world doesn't need a different you, it needs the you that you were meant to be. The you-est you you've got, the authentic you.
Who is the real you? What does that mean?
I don't know. That's your job to figure out.
But here is what I've learned about me- I am most authenticly me when I am living in line with my intentions. When I am treating my body and my mind and my spirit with the respect and love it deserves. When I am nourishing my whole self. When I am taking time out to do the things that make my heart sing. When I'm trusting rather than worrying, when I choose gratitude over disappointment and silencing that negative voice in my head. When I forgive myself and others. When I let people be who they will be instead of being angry about who they are not. When the cracks in those walls I've built around my heart widen so that light shines through. When I am acknowledging and reflecting the light that shines from others.
You may think a "new you" sounds better. Maybe a "new you" can be more positive or thinner or more organized or less anxious.
But how many of us are actually succeed in this "new you" endevour?
Most of us get so overwhelmed with the concept, we give up after a few weeks.
Because a "new you" isn't the way.
Instead, dust off the old you, let that light shine through and be MORE of the you that you are here to be.
Because the real you, the light in you, is NOT negative, would NOT treat your body or mind or spirit poorly would NOT be anxious or judgmental or angry.
The light in you would not say "build a wall and keep THEM out" because there is no them, there is only us.
Some of us have strayed so far from that light. Sometimes we build a wall inside ourselves to keep that light out. It's a coping strategy, it's fear. It's fear that keeps us binging on cookies, and blaming others. It's fear that keeps us addicted to drugs or shopping. It's fear that keeps us looking for the "new you".
But it's love and light that will heal that fear. Yours.
Just as the sun in always shining above the darkest skies, so is our light always shining behind the thickest walls.
Crack open that shit and let your light shine.
Let your light shine- be more you- and see the light in others. It may be dim, it may be hiding behind some thick-ass clouds, but it's there.
Be MORE you! Do not look outward for the answers. For the change. Look inward, because it's all there. The answers, the peace, the light and the love.
Be still and know. You are so good that the world doesn't need a "new you" it just needs MORE of your good stuff ❤️
Leaving you with a few of my favorite quotes courtesy of Pinterest and Instagram to help prove my point 😉
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