Thursday, July 30, 2015

The light is dimming....

Ironic that just days after I start a blog about the "light side" would I feel myself slipping into the darkness of anger, frustration and negativity.

Allow me to explain....

You see, currently I (and my kids, husband and dog) are living with my mother due to housing complications. We didn't loose our house. We weren't evicted. We choose to sell and are waiting for our closing on the new house. Living with my mother was a plan, not forced, not a necessity but a plan.

This means that our routine and schedules are non-existent. All the rituals that keep me sane on a daily basis are iffy, at best. I no longer have my "home gym". I have not found time to meditate. My children are up late and wake early. I am not meal prepping or even cooking for myself. And while I've taken all of this in stride for the past two weeks. My patience and sanity are wearing thin.

I want peace. I want space. I want my life back. And I want it now! (insert pout here)

While it would feel nice to pout and sulk and complain about life, that's just not my style anymore. So what am I doing to quell this negativity and see the bigger picture?
1- Well, writing it all down helps- so I blogged...
2- Making time to exercise, even if its not what/when/where I would typically choose to do so. Moving every day helps me clear my head and sweating helps me let go. 
3- Breathing. Sometimes a few deeps breaths do a world of good!
4-  Using some mantras. A few of my favorites these past few weeks are "Not my monkeys, not my circus", "This too shall pass"
5- Finding the blessings in every day. Like a much needed trip to the beach, laughing at my kids singing every word to the songs on the radio
6- Knowing the life is short. Today is all we've got. Live it and Love it. 
7- And also a little drinking doesn't hurt

Cheers to the things in life that make us stronger and the dim light that continues to flicker...

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